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Anglian Organics was launched by Lisa in September 2016 and is certified Organic by the Soil Association. AG25612


Farmers that grow organically do not use artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides of fungicides.  We aim to produce crops from a balanced living soil.


Lisa believes that this method of growing produce improves the taste of the fruit & vegetables and is both beneficial to the environment and our health

Lisa worked at an established organic research farm - Wakelyns Agroforestry in Fressingfield from 2011 until 2019.

Working with the late Prof. Martin Wolfe and late Ann Wolfe, much invaluable experience into the organic sector was gained here.  


Prior to the launch of Anglian Organics, Lisa worked with Michael Knights of Daganya Farm, Hoxne.


Michael, is an experienced organic grower & box scheme operator.  With Michael's help, Lisa gained further in-depth knowledge into organic box schemes.

In September 2016 Michael retired from his box scheme and Anglian Organics was started with Lisa taking on both his retail and wholesale customers.



Organic Produce &
Box Scheme in the heart of East Anglia

Growers & Suppliers
of Organic Fruit, Vegetables, Beans, Cereals & Pulses

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